Catch the vision: interpretative frames of communication collectives from the peripheries in the Covid-19 pandemic

Autor: Mariana Fonseca

Orientation: Debora Rezende de Almeida

The dissertation presents the construction of interpretative frames by the communication collectives ofthe peripheries during the COVID-19 pandemic, focusing on their vision ofthe State, ofthemselves, and of the pandemic. 


Autor: Ana Marusia Pinheiro Lima

Orientation: Rebecca Abers

The doctoral thesis seeks to analyze the impact of the organizational culture of a public agency on the way its employees perceive, feel, and act in relation to “making a difference” through solutions of collective impact.


Autor: Pedro Abelin

Orientation: Marisa von Bülow

The dissertation analyzes and compares the populist communication of the Movimento Brasil Livre and Mídia Ninja, seeking to understand the relationship between populist communication and audience engagement on Facebook of the respective organizations.


Autor: Mariana Fonseca

Orientation: Debora Rezende de Almeida

The monograph analyzes the National Council for Human Rights as a differentiated PI, taking into account that it is not focused on the process of formulating and monitoring public policies. 


Autor: Anne Karoline Rodrigues Vieira

Orientation: Debora Rezende de Almeida

This dissertation focuses on the responsiveness of deputies of two legislatures of the Legislative Assembly of Minas Gerais in relation to the represented, regarding the promotion of minority groups’ interests. Its general problem is to understand which factors influence the defense of minority interests.