On this page you will find a very diverse set of dialogues and debates about important themes of study at the Resocie. There are audio and video interviews, calls to interesting events, podcasts, lectures and seminars with the participation of our researchers.
Videos of interviews, conferences, debates and events
Brazil needs Councils
Public manifest published on April 18, 2019 where researchers from around the country, including Resocie, react to Decree No. 9,759/2019, reaffirming the importance of participation structures for democracy.
Acess on Facebook
What are the State's responsibilities
Professor at the University of Brasilia, Rebecca Neaera Abers, comments on data from the survey A Cara da Democracia, conducted by the Institute of Democracy in March 2019.
Acess the Institut of Democracy website.
Couch activism
For the Chamber of Deputies TV, on may 02, 2018, in discussions about protests, s Researcher Marisa Von Bulow comments on couch activism and points to the problems of perceiving society only from these individuals
Participatory Budgeting
Rebecca Abers talks, to WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities on march 28 2018, about Porto Alegre and its iconic Participatory Budget experiment that was effective at giving poor neighborhoods control over planning decisions, as long as those decisions remained focused on small scale projects.
Couch activism
To Democracy TV, on october 25, 2017, Marisa von Bülow, PhD in political science and professor at the Institute of Political Science of the University of Brasilia, talks about digital activism and its dimensions. Visit our website.